
Indoor  and outdoor games

Sports lay the foundation stone for a strong character. They help imbibe the ability to win with honor, to lose with grace, to respect authority and their decision, to work as a team, to manage time and stay disciplined. Diatom National Academy provides a varied range of indoor and outdoor sports like cricket, Football, Carrom ,  Table Tennis, Chess for the students physical and mental growth .

Backup power supply

Power cuts are very common in many localities, and they have a greater impact today .keeping in mind of such a problem. The school provides 24 x 7 backup power supplies so the students do not face any electricity problem especially during their study hours.

SMS alert

Parents/students/staff will be kept update about their academic performance related information like remarks, attendance complaints and overview. It aims at reducing the gap between parents, students, teachers and school management. Through the SMS alert the students/parents will be informed and remain connected to school news, schedules, calendars newsletters etc, and will provide a transparency between the teachers, students and parents about upcoming events.


The transportation service of the school is optional. The school has its own vehicles which may be utilized by the students for commuting to and from school. The vehicles have their fixed routes. Pupils must board the vehicles on the given location/bus stop. The school authorities does not accept any responsibility for the safety of the children before the vehicle picks them or drop them or for any unforeseen accidents en-route.


In the school campus CCTV Cameras have been installed not only for the safety purpose of the students but also to monitor their behavior in the absence of the teachers.


To reduce the burden of the parents, the school also provides optional coaching classes after the school hours. The students are encouraged to complete their home task of the day in these classes under the guidance of the teachers, so that they have some leisure time when they return home. Special care and attention is take

Toward the weaker students so that they become confident to compete in the class.


The school accommodation consists of separate buildings for boys and girls with large airy room.